Sacramental Programme
The Sacramental Programme is delivered by catechists within the Parish of St Margaret Clitherow and overseen by Fr Simon Firth, Parish Priest. Parents with children in Year 3 or above are able to enroll their children on the Sacramental Programme. This runs for the full academic year and is delivered for children in both Holy Family and Sacred Heart Schools. The Sacraments of Initiation are received by children on the programme. The Sacraments are; Reconciliation & First Holy Communion. Applications for this year are still welcome. Please speak with Fr Simon after any of the weekend masses (Saturday - Sacred Heart at 6.30pm, Sunday - Holy Family at 9am and Sacred Heart at 11am)
Parents are expected to demonstrate their commitment to the faith and Parish by being regular attenders at Mass each weekend. It is of vital importance that the children develop a clear understanding of their faith and its practice through regular Church attendance and thereby develop an understanding of the Eucharist.
Information and videos to help you as parents in supporting your child on their faith journey can be found on the Salford Diocese website:
Dates of meetings and presentation Masses for the following year will be shared by Fr Simon in due course.