'The very breath of God is in you.' Job 33:4
At Holy Family, we deliver the requirements of the National Curriculum through discreet weekly science lessons.
Science is taught as a discrete subject through weekly lessons based on the National Curriculum framework. Children begin on their scientific journey in Foundation Stage by learning through play and honing the skills of enquiry, investigation, questioning and predicting. As they progress through the school, they follow a carefully planned curriculum which builds on knowledge and skills that are revisited and extended through a spiral learning sequence. Units are planned in a progressive way and repeated topics are broadened out as children progress through the school to consolidate learning and extend understanding. Lessons are fully inclusive and all children are able to access the science curriculum that is adapted for pupils of all abilities and those with additional needs. Literary skills are developed through the science curriculum through the use of quality texts to supplement scientific understanding. All topics are planned alongside texts that complement themes providing related learning to enrich children's understanding.
Science Progression in Knowledge can be found here
Science Progression in Skills can be found here
Through quality texts and by drawing on Science topics in our English work, science writing is promoted to support the science curriculum. Information about which texts we use and how they tie into each year group's science topics can be found here.
Working scientifically underpins all aspects of the science curriculum. Pupil knowledge is important but developing children's' skills as scientists is the most valuable feature of the science delivery.
At Holy Family, science lessons are hands on and active thereby enabling children to learn through experience and practical application. We believe that direct experience of materials, processes and investigations brings deeper meaning to their scientific understanding. Children interact with the materials and resources at every opportunity and this includes learning outside of the classroom. Their curiosity and inquisitiveness is encouraged. Teachers use The Association for Science Education PLAN Assessment materials to support teaching and assessment in science. These materials support a spiral curriculum, which builds on children's previous learning and skill development.
Children are required to work scientifically in both Key Stage 1 and 2 by;
- asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways
- observing closely, using simple equipment
- performing simple tests
- identifying and classifying
- using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
- gathering and recording data to help in answering questions
We do this through 5 lines of enquiry:
Children's scientific skills are further developed through the working scientifically cycle. These skills underpin every science lesson, even in the absence of a full science investigation. Children learn to think like scientists and can recognise when these skills are needed and how they can be applied to support their learning and understanding.
Children achieve well in science. They enjoy the subject and can speak knowledgeably about their learning. They understand how their learning prepares them for the next steps in their lessons and can make connections within topics. They can articulate what working scientifically means and understand how to use scientific enquiry skills to find answers to questions they pose.
Children's books display the range of learning and how scientific skills are developed over time. Their work shows clear progress over time and how the spiral curriculum supports secure learning and understanding. Children's learning is assessed using The Association for Science Education TAPS and PLAN materials. These assess both the children's knowledge and application of scientific skills. Details of the overview can be found here.
In 2021, we were successful in achieving the Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM). This is an assurance that the standard of Science provision at Holy Family is high and focused on quality learning and investigation and a guarantee that every opportunity is seized to build upon the science capital across the school.
Holy Family is part of a Science Network affiliated with Manchester University. The Science Network (SEERIH) inspires communities of confident and curious teachers to work together to drive the continuous improvement of teaching and learning in science and engineering education in the UK.
Along with schools within the Emmaus School Improvement Federation, we seek to work together to improve the teaching and provision for science within our school.