School Sports Funding
Since 2013-14, schools have been in receipt of a stream of funding to help promote sports in and outside of school time. We have always considered sports to be of great importance to our children and have led the way with a dedicated Sports Leader who has championed sports for all of our pupils. In 2017, we were the Rochdale Borough recipients of the award for 'School Commitment to PE & Sport' - a wonderful achievement and testament to the dedication and hard work of our Sports Leader, Mr McKenna.
Given the increase in funding and our own commitment to sports and health and well-being, a lot of our work is rooted in the sustainability of improvements set in place since the beginning of the school sports funding in 2013. Staff CPD, impact of initiatives and a focus on being able to offer children of all ages and abilities the opportunity to be active and acquire new skills and experiences has been the overriding drive in our spend of the school sports funding.
We are now required to publish a report detailing how the money has been spent and the impact on pupils and their learning experiences.
Below are reports which outline how the fund has been spent over the last 5 years and how we intend to spend the money this academic year.
Holy Family School Sports Funding Overview 2019-20.doc
Holy Family School Sports Funding Overview 2020-21.doc
Holy Family School Sports Funding Overview 2021-22.doc