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Holy Family Roman Catholic Primary School

Through Work, Through Worship, Through Witness


Great Gates Road, Kirkholt, Rochdale, OL11 2DN

(01706) 640480



Welcome to the Reception Class Page

Miss I Adams – Class Teacher

Mrs J Bradley - Class TA

Mrs K Juszczak 

Mrs F Hussain

Mrs T Akhtar 


 Summer Term 2024

The Reception class assembly will take place on Friday 28th June.

In our final term together, the children will continue to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world through play. The staff will continue to observe, interact, support and challenge your children in the areas of provision. They will be encouraged to begin to make links in their learning and consolidate the skills they have learned this year. 

"Play underpins the Early Years Foundation Stage. It also underpins learning and all aspects of children’s development. Through play, children develop language skills, their emotions and creativity, social and intellectual skills. For most children their play is natural and spontaneous although some children may need extra help from adults. Play takes place indoors and outdoors and it is in these different environments that children explore and discover their immediate world. It is here they practise new ideas and skills, they take risks, show imagination and solve problems on their own or with others. The role that adults have is crucial. Adults provide time and space and appropriate resources. These might include clothes, boxes, buckets, old blankets that will inspire play and fire children’s imaginations. They observe play and join in when invited, watching and listening before intervening. They value play and provide safe but challenging environments that support and extend learning and development"



The first topic for RE this term is ‘Friends’. Through this scheme of work and our collective worship sessions the children will learn and understand that we can make friends, Jesus had good friends and what Jesus tells us about friendship.

 Some questions to ask your child at home;

 Who are your friends?

Why are they your friends?

Are you anyone's friend?

 Spend time together at home and gather round a focus.  Have a quiet moment together to reflect on and appreciate how we all have friends and are a friend to others.

Think about our friends.

Appreciate what makes a good friend.

Consider how friendship can be spoilt and how we can make up.

Celebrate friendship.


Our next focus for RE this term is 'Our World’. Through this scheme of work and our collective worship sessions we will be learning about how God created the world through the story of Creation. We will be discussing how we can look after our planet and look after God’s Work. We will also be discussing places that are special to us during our RE sessions each week.

Some questions to ask your child at home;

What are your special places and why?

Why did God create our world?

What is your favourite part of God’s Creation?

How can we look after our world?

Spend some time together at home and gather several objects that are special to yourself and your child. Place the objects in between you and discuss why they are special to you. Reflect on how you can look after God’s Creation like we would our special objects, as God’s Creation is a gift to us.

Reading for Pleasure

In Reception class we love to read! The children and staff enjoy reading for pleasure each day. Stories are found in each area of provision so that children can share a book here, there and everywhere! 

We will continue to use and introduce high quality texts to develop our love of reading in Reception Class.  We carefully plan our books according to the children’s interests and use them to fire children’s imagination and curiosity. If you have any favourites or have recently enjoyed a book at home, please do let us know - we love story recommendations!

The first story we will read together is 'Dear Zoo'. Our classroom has many engaging areas which are inspired by the stories we read within class, to spark children's imagination and curiosity through our provision.

Within the final half term, our topic will be 'Under the Sea', and we will be reading 'The Snail and the Whale' together as a class. We will be completing many fun and interesting activities inside and outside of our classroom this summer! We can't wait to learn all about what lies beneath the ocean, and the many adventures that may take place there...

Home reading books

Please share the home reading book with your child each evening to develop story telling, comprehension and key phonetic skills. It is important to sign the reading diary to pass on any comments or questions to the staff at school. 



 At Holy Family, we use the Read Write Inc Phonics scheme to learn to read and write initial letter sounds. Children will begin by learning phonemes and graphemes, followed by learning to segment and blend words. They will be assessed regularly and placed into a group that suits their ability. 

Then they will learn to read 'green words' and 'red words' (common exception words), continuing to develop reading fluency and accuracy.

Parents, click the link below to watch a short video to help with blending the sounds together to read words (Fred talking). 

Here you will find fun learning ideas for 5 year old children to support their reading development. There are rhyming games, phonic games, memory games, listening games and much more.  

The following site has many free phonics games;


Family morning

Family Mornings take place each Thursday morning for Reception. Parents and their children are invited in to class each Thursday from 8.30am until 8.50am (school start time).

Thank you to our families for joining us each Thursday morning. It has been our pleasure to invite you in to class each week. The children have been enjoying showcasing their learning and having the chance to interact with you in their classroom environment. Please do use this opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Your contributions are very important to us so if there is anything you want to tell us about your child's learning and development, please do share with the staff. 



Our Maths curriculum embeds mathematical thinking and talk. The open ended provision in class will help the children to practise what they have learned during whole class sessions as well as becoming independent in creating their own challenges through many play opportunities during the school day.

To support and direct our teaching and learning, we follow the NCETM Mastering Number programme.

The children will build on previous experiences of number from their home and nursery environments, and further develop their subitising and counting skills.

The children will practise and develop new skills each day through provision in class. They will be supported and challenged as they learn through play.

This term we will be consolidating our knowledge in;

  • continuing to to practise subitising (knowing an amount to 5 without counting)
  • using subitising skills to enable them to identify patterns
  • continuing to develop verbal counting to 20 and beyond, including counting from different starting numbers
  • continuing  to develop confidence and accuracy in both verbal and object counting.
  • exploring the composition of 10 (how 10 can be made up)

'Early Number Sense' is a really useful video to watch at home with your child.

Our children love to watch Numberblocks - we use the videos and visuals to support and develop our mathematical understanding.

Follow this link and enjoy the videos and activities at home with your child. Learning Resources: Numberblocks


Parent notices

Please send your child in to school each day with a waterproof coat.

Please practise self-help skills at home such as fastening their coats independently.

Ensure all clothing is name labelled.

Water bottles to be brought to school each day and refilled at home.

Children to come to school every Wednesday dressed in their PE kit (white t-shirt, navy/black shorts or jogging bottoms with school jumper on).

Book bags to be brought in once a week on your child’s reading day.

Please bring a pair of wellies into school so that we can use them when we play outside in wet and muddy weather conditions.