A very warm welcome to the Year 4 class page. It is here where you can find out all about the daily routines of Year 4 and catch a glimpse of some of our wonderful work.
Our topic for the Summer term is 'Romans on the rampage'. We will: gain an overview of the impact of the Roman Empire on Britain, including its lasting legacy; consider how different historical sources help us to know about Roman Britain and research what it might have been like to live in Britain during the period of Roman occupation.
Read on to find out what else we will be learning about in the Summer Term. There are also links and ideas to help support learning at home.
Staff: Mrs Rothwell and Miss Miller
As we return to school after Easter the Church is still celebrating this great event. The focus of this term’s work in Religious Education is the role the Holy Spirit plays in our lives. We will be studying the three themes of Pentecost (Serving), Reconciliation (Inter-relating) and Universal Church (World).
During our English lessons this term, we will be basing our writing around our curriculum theme of ‘Romans on the rampage’. We will use a variety of texts and film clips as a stimulus to help us engage and immerse in the topic. We will be writing about life in Rome, comparing the life of a Celt and a soldier, creating an information page and writing a setting description, diary, letter and thought bubbles.
For the Year 4 Curriculum objectives in reading, writing, spelling and handwriting which your child will be working towards across the year, please click the link below.
In Maths, we will start with decimals. Next, we will progress to money and time, then shape, statistics, position and direction. We will continue to learn our times tables, children will be given opportunities to practise and attempt to beat their sound check score each week.
Times Tables Rockstar logins will be in their reading record so that children can practise at home too.
The year 4 age related expectation is to recall and use multiplication and division facts up to 12x.
Children will take their Multiplication Tables check this term. Please see the link below for information for parents:
Year 4 will explore what sound is and how it is made, before investigating how sound travels, how it can be blocked and how different pitches can be attained!
PE will be every Wednesday afternoon.
We will continue with our French lessons with Mrs Higgins along with other curriculum areas each afternoon including Computing, Art, Music and DT.
Each week the children will be given spellings which will be tested every four weeks. Children are expected to learn their spellings each week. Spelling rules are taken from the National Curriculum spelling lists for Year 3 and 4. We will also revise previous years’ spelling rules throughout Year 4.
Daily homework will consist of practising spellings, times-tables and reading for at least 10 minutes from the home-school reading books.
Thank you for supporting your child’s learning, if you have any other queries, please speak to Mrs Rothwell.
Websites to support children’s learning: