Welcome back to school, we are very excited about the year ahead!
Staff: Mrs Rothwell and Miss Miller.
Autumn Term
Our first topic will focus on the family, looking deeper into our own family trees and then focussing on the human family tree of Jesus. We also focus on the ways in which people can be called by God and how we should listen for his call.
During our English lessons this term, we will be basing our writing around our curriculum theme of ‘Groovy Greeks’. We will use a variety of texts and film clips as a stimulus to help us engage and immerse in the topic. We will be retelling a myth, writing poems, persuasion, non-chronological reports and explanation texts.
In Maths, we will start with place value. This will include knowledge of value of the digits in a number, using negative numbers, roman numerals, rounding and estimating. Next we will progress to addition and subtraction using a formal method and understanding carrying and exchanging through columns.
The year 4 age related expectation is to recall and use multiplication and division facts up to 12x.
Times Tables Rockstar logins will be in children's communication book so that children can practise at home too.
During our topic ‘Electricity,’ we will learn about where electricity comes from and how it is used before moving onto electrical safety. We will then look at how to make simple circuits, learning the names of different components and how each of these work. We will investigate insulators and conductors and use this knowledge to make a switch.
Creative Curriculum
Our topic for the autumn term is ‘GROOVY GREEKS!’ Our learning will include; knowing that Ancient Greece was made up of City States, studying armour and warships, understanding aspects of Greek everyday life, learning about the importance of the Olympic Games and deducing information about Greek beliefs and religious practices from pictures of buildings and pottery.
PE will be every Wednesday afternoon. Children will be going swimming this half term and should bring their swimming kits to school.
We will continue with our French lessons with Mrs Higgins along with other curriculum areas each afternoon including Computing, Art, Music and DT.
Each week the children will be given spellings which will be tested every four weeks. Children are expected to learn their spellings each week. Spelling rules are taken from the National Curriculum spelling lists for Year 3 and 4. We will also revise previous years’ spelling rules throughout Year 4.
Daily homework will consist of practising spellings, times-tables and reading for at least 10 minutes from the home-school reading books.
Thank you for supporting your child’s learning, if you have any other queries, please speak to Mrs Rothwell.
Websites to support children’s learning:
Thank you for supporting your child’s learning, if you have any other queries, please speak to Mrs Rothwell.
Websites to support children’s learning: