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Holy Family Roman Catholic Primary School

Through Work, Through Worship, Through Witness


Great Gates Road, Kirkholt, Rochdale, OL11 2DN

(01706) 640480


Dear young people, do not be mediocre.  The Christian life challenges us with great ideals.'  Pope Francis


As a Catholic school, 10% of our teaching and learning time is dedicated to learning about our faith as well as the other world religions. Religion lessons and opportunities for prayer and worship are used to help the children understand their uniqueness and their role within God's family.

We follow a core programme called 'Come & See, as well as teaching the children about Catholic Social Teaching through Caritas in Action and Cafod Universal Church units.  The curriculum overview can be found here.

Click here to learn more about how you can support your child at home in the RE curriculum.

 The RE Curriculum Lead is Mrs Walker.

Year 4 & 6 benefit from music lessons from Diocese of Salford School Singing Programme's Choral Director Kathryn Bradley.  Through the sessions, music and RE combine as children learn and perform hymns and secular songs as part of their worship as well as curriculum development.  Follow the link to hear the children sing, Laudato Si:


SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cutural Education)

The fundamental role of our work is to imbue in our children their value, worth and uniqueness as children of God. They were created to be great and through their time and shared experiences at Holy Family, we will work to make sure that they have every opportunity to achieve that greatness.

Through assemblies, opportunities for collective worship, relationships, pupil voice, themed weeks and community events we will promote and support values important to us such as tolerance and respect, personal freedom and liberty, equality of opportunity and democracy. By following Christ's example of loving one another and promoting forgiveness and fairness, we work hard daily to ensure that this is the experience of anybody who visits our school.



Prayer Life of our School